As I get older, I often turn to my community for additional inspiration. Writing a novel, riding a motorcycle, or going back to school - you can do it. Age is just a number. Instead of keeping these inspirational friends to myself, I am starting a monthly interview to highlight their amazing stories. Do you have someone in your life who is doing something to inspire you? Leave your thoughts (or their names!) in the comments section.
Last week was International Women’s Day, perfect timing for this post. I’m incredibly grateful to so many awesome women that have made a big difference in my life! The two major impacts came from my mother and my daughter, but here are a few others that continue to change my life. I hope they inspire you too!
Loved having my husband surprise me as a guest blogger last week. So, this week I thought I would get back at him. LOL.
Before I ever became certified as a yoga teacher, we were on the beach in Aruba ten years ago. I was reading about ALL the benefits of yoga, while he was complaining about his lower back pain.
Hi, this is Whitney, Lisa's husband, stepping out of the gray shadows to tell all of you this is her most famous and requested recipe of all. If I had a $1 for every time these granola bars departed the very busy GITNB kitchen for happy parts unknown, then I'd have enough to afford her for another 32 years :)
4 Things That Work.
My mother was diagnosed with early on-site Alzheimer's at the age of 61. Our family watched her vibrant body and mind fade away for the next 10 years. Her brother also lost his life to this terrible disease.
Hope you are all having a wonderful holiday with family and friends. It’s that season, where it is naturally easier to want things and to give gifts to cherished family and friends, but how about getting out of your comfort zone and doing something different... to love someone that really needs it!
Our breath is the most powerful tool to access our awareness, to calm us, and even energize us.
Yet, most of us don’t take advantage of these benefits. Rather, we take shallow breaths which restrict our muscles and denies our bodies of much needed oxygen.
“Kale Yeh!” This recipe is easy and delicious. Yes, Kale is everywhere now, but it is sooooo good for you.
In my younger days, I needed a great deal of retail therapy. Now I think twice before pulling out the plastic. And when I do, it may be for different reasons.
What I know now is we not only want to feel good in our clothes, we desire to feel good about our clothes. The fashion industry is now putting an emphasis on apparel that is diverse and has a "giving back" element to it. A few thoughts worth sharing for you to consider next time you shop.