Hope you are all having a wonderful holiday with family and friends. It’s that season, where it is naturally easier to want things and to give gifts to cherished family and friends, but how about getting out of your comfort zone and doing something different... to love someone that really needs it!

In a recent interview with Andy Stanley at North Point Church, Jeff Foxworthy said once you’ve tasted purpose, it changes you! And he wasn’t talking about his successful career in comedy, but the times he’d gotten out of his comfort zone to help others.

Jeff showed up at the Atlanta Mission House (a homeless shelter) on an invite: After 10 years of weekly volunteering, he says his life is much richer - more than the money or gifts could have given him. 

For some it’s easy to write a check, and good for you if you did! But giving someone your time without judging or expecting anything in return is the best gift of all.

I was never called to go to Africa on a Mission Trip, until I met Janine and Ian Maxwell with Heart for Africa in 2007. There story was so compelling that my daughter and I took an 18 hour flight and a 5 hour bus ride to Swaziland! We went to Africa to help change some lives, which I hope we did. Actually, it was our lives that were changed forever. The joy in the faces of these orphaned children will never leave me.

So, as you prepare for a new year, be on the look-out for the unexpected opportunity to give, serve, and love! 

Thanks for giving me your time reading my blog, I hope to serve up more love to you throughout the year.