We were "awakened" recently when we got out of our much loved “Hawaii box” and traveled to Spain for Thanksgiving. We’ve been fortunate to enjoy Hawaii for the past 10 years over Christmas. This year Christian and I were craving a unique and more cultural experience as a family. (This took some convincing for Whitney as Hawaii is like home for him).
My three favorite yoga poses and why!
What I learned from the Charleston Academy of Domestic Pursuits
Knit Happens...
After learning to knit in my late 40’s, I ask myself, how did I possibly get by before?!
When I’m flying, stuck in an airport or waiting at the doctor’s office, knitting is wonderful! I feel lame, like I'm wasting my time, when I watch TV without those needles in my hands. My husband even caught me on the toilet knitting once! Ok, maybe that was a little much… But lucky me; a sweet friend crocheted me a toilet seat warmer for winter just incase it became a habit!
"Get out of your Box"... your Hair Color box
One of my reasons for starting a blog is to encourage you to "get out of your box." I hope to challenge you to do something that will change your life and others (for the better). Whether you color your hair or not: it doesn't matter. The real issue is being yourself and -- while you are at it -- why not be your best self?