“Dress your way to a good mood”

A good friend recently sent me an issue of Organic Spa magazine that featured an article called “Adorn.” It talked about the science of "unclothed cognition" - or how what we wear influences the way we feel. Who knew there was a name for it!

“Dress for the mood you want to embody”, the article says. Lately with the dreariness of winter and most days spent working at my computer, I have gotten in a bad habit of staying in my workout clothes and not showering or even brushing my teeth until late afternoon - Clemson all over again! But the days I do get dressed and connect with people, I am more confident and energized.

Thanks for a little help from Whitney...

Thanks for a little help from Whitney...

The article suggests to start with your most intimate layers, your underwear. Make sure they are beautiful and feel good.  Well, since it happened to be Valentines weekend recently, I purchased some new beautiful underwear and threw some of my old boring ones away.

A great way to infuse your personality into your wardrobe is to add bold accents, pops of color or unique jewelry. A new shade of lipstick can change everything too! 

Vintage Justin boots I got in Brooklyn for $30... or a hand-knitted scarf

Vintage Justin boots I got in Brooklyn for $30... or a hand-knitted scarf

J Crew jacket with Cole Haan animal print pumps

J Crew jacket with Cole Haan animal print pumps


It’s interesting how God speaks about this subject too.  Reading the article coencided with the Bible study I am currently involved in about “wearing the armor of God”, Ephesians 6:13-17. Then at church on Sunday the pastor quoted 1 Peter 5:5: “Clothe yourself with humility”. Ok, maybe God is trying to tell me something... to dress sexier and with humility?

So as I reframe “getting dressed” in the morning; to adorning myself with the armor of God, clothed with humility, a pop of color and beautiful new underwear...I am ready for anything! How about you?