Life Lessons - The Art of Living

I love how much Whitney reads (and frankly I'm quite envious). He reads everything, but mostly enjoys nonfiction. We share a Kindle so I feel more knowledgable just browsing all the numerous books he has devoured. Recently, a book called Life Lessons: Two Experts on Dying Teach us About the Mysteries of Life and Living really got my attention. It's a must read for anyone wanting to live a better life, sooner than later! And isn't that everyone?

Some of its chapters are title Authenticity,  Love, Relationships, Loss, Power, Time, Fear, Play, Forgiveness and Happiness.  I thought I had a grip on most of these; however this book really enlightened me further. Really.

My dad was a wonderful example to me of how to live and celebrate each day.  After he was hospitalized for a major manic depression episode when we were young, he approached life much differently. He embraced every sunrise and sunset and every moment in between. He truly lived each day to the fullness while making sure those around him knew they were loved.

The motto dad lived by was, "Stay at home and never remember anything. Or, take an adventure and cherish the memories for a lifetime!

Photo of my Dad in the 80's on one of his many road trips across America. 

Popular highlights from the book:

  • Learning life lessons is not about making your life perfect, but about seeing your life as it was meant to be.
  • A key lesson of life: to find our authentic selves, and to see the authenticity in others.
  • A grateful person is a powerful person.
  • Our real power is not derived from our positions in life or bank account but our strength, integrity and grace externalized.
  • Happiness depends not on what happens, but on how we handle what happens.

Ask yourself: Do you really touch and taste life and do you see and feel the extraordinary, especially in the ordinary? If not, I encourage you to include this book in your summer reading...and take an adventure too!

Photo of our daughter in 2013 in South Africa on one of her many adventures around the world, my dad would be proud!