live well

Alzheimer's: Just Remember These Four Things

Alzheimer's: Just Remember These Four Things

4 Things That Work.

My mother was diagnosed with early on-site Alzheimer's at the age of 61. Our family watched her vibrant body and mind fade away for the next 10 years. Her brother also lost his life to this terrible disease.




Life Lessons - The Art of Living

Life Lessons - The Art of Living

I love how much Whitney reads (and frankly I'm quite envious). He reads everything, but mostly enjoys nonfiction. We share a Kindle so I feel more knowledgable just browsing all the numerous books he has devoured. Recently, a book called Life Lessons: Two Experts on Dying Teach us About the Mysteries of Life and Living really got my attention. It's a must read for anyone wanting to live a better life, sooner than later! And isn't that everyone?