
Alzheimer's: Just Remember These Four Things

Alzheimer's: Just Remember These Four Things

4 Things That Work.

My mother was diagnosed with early on-site Alzheimer's at the age of 61. Our family watched her vibrant body and mind fade away for the next 10 years. Her brother also lost his life to this terrible disease.




5 Great Questions For Dr. Tina McClaire; My Friend And Master Coach

5 Great Questions For Dr. Tina McClaire; My Friend And Master Coach

Exercise and coffee in the morning are daily essentials for me. Without them, life just does not happen!

Regarding the former, I recently had gotten into a routine of just showing up at the gym, getting it done and checked off my list. Not totally a bad thing, but my brain and body were bored. Then I met Tina McClaire, a master trainer with a P.H.D. and credentials too long to list.