Exercise and coffee in the morning are daily essentials for me. Without them, life just does not happen!
Regarding the former, I recently had gotten into a routine of just showing up at the gym, getting it done and checked off my list. Not totally a bad thing, but my brain and body were bored. Then I met Tina McClaire, a master trainer with a P.H.D. and credentials too long to list.
In the past, I have been somewhat anti personal trainers, thinking “why do I need one? I’m disciplined and know what I’m suppose to do! And are they really going to care about me?”
But one day that changed when I asked one of the trainers (Tina), where I teach yoga for help, and she quickly replied, “thank goodness, I never thought you’d ask. It’s time to get the backside of yours lifted, among other things. LOL... we’ve been friends ever since. She still has some work to do with me, but my workouts and life have improved immensely. We are even working on a wellness program together. (Stay tuned)
So, I sat down with Tina for an interview recently to get some helpful advice to share with you.
Lisa: What do you think the best thing is for someone to do that is looking to up their workouts?
Tina: First decide what your physical needs are, then find a friend that has had success with a trainer. Make an apt!
Lisa: How many times a week should someone work out? Weights vs cardio?
Tina: You should workout every day! Each day something different, mix it up and enjoy. I like weight training every other day, and cardio 30-45 minutes on the days in between.
Lisa: What do you think the biggest problem people struggle with trying to get in their fitness program and how they can overcome it?
Tina: Balancing life with exercise. You must find time to invest in yourself! You can overcome it, first understand that you must eat healthy, exercise regularly and have a positive mindset. Embrace that statement and think about supportive reasons why you should take care of yourself (children, loved ones), now put it into action!
Lisa: What made you decide to pursue a career in health and wellness?
Tina: I didn’t decide, it is who I am.
Lisa: What is the best advice for someone trying to lose weight?
Tina: That’s difficult question coming from a Psychologist. Losing weight is a multifaceted task. The individual must come to a point of accepting that the need for weight loss is imminent for their health. Balance between healthy eating, moderate exercise, a positive mindset with consistency.
So be bold, take a step toward the life you want to live, your body and brain will be glad you did. Check out Tina's website or on Facebook, better yet join her on one of her upcoming wellness retreats!