
Why Men Should Consider Trying Yoga

Why Men Should Consider Trying Yoga

Loved having my husband surprise me as a guest blogger last week. So, this week I thought I would get back at him. LOL.

Before I ever became certified as a yoga teacher, we were on the beach in Aruba ten years ago. I was reading about ALL the benefits of yoga, while he was complaining about his lower back pain.

5 Great Questions For Dr. Tina McClaire; My Friend And Master Coach

5 Great Questions For Dr. Tina McClaire; My Friend And Master Coach

Exercise and coffee in the morning are daily essentials for me. Without them, life just does not happen!

Regarding the former, I recently had gotten into a routine of just showing up at the gym, getting it done and checked off my list. Not totally a bad thing, but my brain and body were bored. Then I met Tina McClaire, a master trainer with a P.H.D. and credentials too long to list.

Exercise...a MUST!

Exercise...a MUST!

Just Move!

Trying to finish this post before I head out on my bike with Whitney for a beautiful Sunday afternoon ride.  I admit I get a little anxious until I’ve had my daily exercise. It’s euphoric taking in the sounds and colors we never seem to notice in the car and the freedom I feel while outside.