Life Lessons

"Every Life Is a Book Waiting to Happen" GITNB Spotlight Interview

"Every Life Is a Book Waiting to Happen"  GITNB Spotlight Interview

As I get older, I often turn to my community for additional inspiration. Writing a novel, riding a motorcycle, or going back to school - you can do it. Age is just a number. Instead of keeping these inspirational friends to myself, I am starting a monthly interview to highlight their amazing stories. Do you have someone in your life who is doing something to inspire you? Leave your thoughts (or their names!) in the comments section.

Life Lessons - The Art of Living

Life Lessons - The Art of Living

I love how much Whitney reads (and frankly I'm quite envious). He reads everything, but mostly enjoys nonfiction. We share a Kindle so I feel more knowledgable just browsing all the numerous books he has devoured. Recently, a book called Life Lessons: Two Experts on Dying Teach us About the Mysteries of Life and Living really got my attention. It's a must read for anyone wanting to live a better life, sooner than later! And isn't that everyone?